Kavanaugh vs. Ford – The Culture War

Even if the democrats would manage to block Kavanaugh’s nomination they are losing big time the larger war on culture. They are consigning themselves to the pariah class of dishonorable and despicable soulless power players without ethics or consideration for truth and justice.
They think their religious dogmas of feminism and multiculturalism represent purity and morality but they are actually entirely void of ethical considerations and the practice of any reasoning whatsoever.
They think they are pure and right even if they lie and cheat because they are with their God and against evil. They think they are right to hate those who disagree with their cult of limitless love towards multiculturalism and feminism because off-cause their enemies are evil racists right?

But this time God will not be there for them anymore because God is Culture and this God is only loyal to the victor. America is the land of victory- ”In God We Trust”.
There is just no long term prospects for the God of the left because the victor is not the one who is whining to be avenged and wants to tear everything down in anger. The victor is the one who claims new ground and can sustain it. Victors help themselves and God is always on their side who help themselves.
The God of the victim can be good when you are not ready to face adult responsibility of culture and society and it may suffice for the protection and security of children but the God of adults is the one that must put away childish things and take real world action, responsibility and truth in to consideration.

So God will not help the left anymore because that God of losers does not exist – It’s only a waste of time and thought- a fools comfort.

If people have a friendly or an honorable character or a deceitful and unethical one it is in overwhelming proportion due to the personality they are born with rather then the stories they come to believe in.
Delusional people have it in them to believe nonsensical bullshit that gets them nowhere except going in circles avoiding rational criticism over issues they do not wish to confront. They would believe some bullshit or another if it isn’t their protective, righteous and vengeful God it’s multiculturalism or feminism.
The godless left has it no better. The so called atheists who keep talking about crazy religious evil conservative people, racists, Nazis and whatever. It is you that are the religious ones. A believer in a God of responsibility and justice on the other hand is as far removed from religious delusions as the least religious true atheist. Your rantings on imagined evils Nazis, racists and the like are no less delusional then talking about angels and fairies. You talk about these things as if they are a real and actual part of your lives when they are actually just superficial beliefs in scary names from stories about history you have heard about and have very unlikely done any research on with any degree of critical thinking. Nazis, Hitler and Jesus and Mohammad. Most people’s level of knowledge on all of them is as good as the level of knowledge on pink elephants encircling the moon.

Many believe everything they are told about their political opponents that they are told to hate by their modern High Priests… just saying you are atheists does not make you more intelligent then some cultist worshiping their supreme leader. To truly be an atheist you also need to be non-religious on all levels and to be critical of common beliefs even if they are secular.

Both God and atheism if true are conservative. They take responsibility, justice and truth over vindictiveness and smearing of their enemies with dogmatic name calling and baseless accusations.